Test & Measurement
If it’s affected by vibration, we can test it. If it shakes, we can measure it. The analytics we generate are critical to engineer solutions for vibration stabilization and seismic restraint. We were the first organization to gain independent, IAS Accreditation as a Product Certification Agency for Special Seismic Certification. Plus, we provide IBC Certification (seismic and wind) for Fortune 500 manufacturers of HVAC, power generation, medical equipment and fire protection systems.
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DCL Capabilities

Now under VMC Group's Test & Measurement Division, Dynamic Certification Laboratories LLC (DCL) provides testing facilities and engineering services for equipment and installations that are subject to seismic, wind and vibration performance standards based on regulatory parameters, industry practices, or customer preferences. DCL is a single source, state of the art lab for all required seismic, wind, and vibration simulation testing, analysis, reporting, and certification of equipment and systems. Our objective is to streamline the process for manufacturers to obtain code compliance through required shake table testing to verify post-disaster functionality. We are pleased to now offer turn-key vibration and wind testing programs.

DCL is the only ISO 17025:2005 Accredited Seismic Simulation Test Laboratory with a triaxial shake table owned and operated by California licensed Structural engineers. We’re your single source for a complete range of high-quality seismic services and solutions, including:
- Seismic, Vibration, Shock Simulation
- Testing, Analysis, Reporting, Certification
- Experienced, Dedicated Staff
- Unparalleled Commitment to Quality
- Seismic Certification Plan Development
- Engineering Analysis and Design
- Finite Element Computer Modeling
- Design for Anchorage and Restraint
- Shake Table Testing
- OSHPD Pre-Approvals for Restraint and Anchorage, Special Seismic Certification
- Site and Project-Specific Special Seismic Certification
Our engineering, certification and test and measurement services involve world-class engineers, technology and processes.

The engineers we employ hold the highest industry-recognized credentials in structural analysis, elastomer development and system dynamics.
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We are the first ISO accredited PCA ISO-17065, third-party certification body for special seismic certification of non-structural building components and their mounting configurations by the ICC’s International Accreditation Service.
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