Dear Valued Customer,
It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this update to you. We are coping with this unprecedented event disrupting our lives and livelihoods. As the country navigates through this time, VMC Group companies stand in unity with its community, country, and the world.
Our hearts go out to those affected by this new reality. We have taken the necessary precautions in order to maintain essential business flow; our current priority is ensuring the safety of our employees and customers. Our team is doing all we can to ensure the supply of critical products and components needed to support our operations.
VMC Group facilities are following containment guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and county health departments.
In addition, we are operating under Phase III of the VMC Group Coronavirus Plan. We comply with State orders at our facilities in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Nevada, and Puerto Rico.
VMC Group’s team will continue operations as we fulfill our commitment to meeting the critical needs of our customers and essential infrastructure. Our products support and protect critical infrastructure buildings, an array of Military applications (National Defense), and the Medical Industry.
We pride ourselves on The Power of Together™, which defines the partnering relationship you can anticipate when working with our team. That’s why our company and each of our brands have emerged and continue to be world leaders during this time of uncertainty. We are in it with you.
Please continue to reach out to your VMC Group contacts as usual as we continue to serve you during this time. Visit us at
Justification for our classification can be found:
- In a national directive concerning “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 19, 2020.
- New York State is on a “Pause” Executive Order
- New Jersey is on Executive Order No. 107
Thank you for your continued trust in the VMC Group.
God bless and be safe,
John Wilson, Jr.
Chairman and CEO
VMC Group